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Our Products
​- Industry Standard ITA Forks
- Fork Extensions
- Fork Frames
- Carriage Bars
-Load Back Rests-LBR's
- Bucket Cutting Edges
- Skid Steer Buckets
- Skid Steer Attachments
- Bucket Teeth
-Dingo Attachments

Bale Spear Frames are built with premium steel. All frames are powder coated for a durable, corrosion-resistant finish that lasts season after season.
All Frames are fitted with German made SHW brand spears.
45” wide, 2 BT 49”
45” wide, 2 BT 49” HD
45” wide, 1 TT 49”, 2 BT 24”
45” wide, 1 TT 49” HD, 2 BT 24”
5’ wide, 3 BT 32”
5 ½’ wide, 4 BT 32”
5’ wide, 3 BT 36”
6’ wide, 4 BT 36”
5’ wide, 1 TT 49”, 3 BT 32”
5 ½’ wide, 1 TT 49”, 4 BT 32”
2 PC. Self-Storing Upwrights24”
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